
Wednesday 12 March 2014


For so many years, I been setting up my mind that the only way to become rich is to study hard and obtain a respectable with high paid salary job. And my option was always to be a doctor or engineer. Never in my mind to set my goal to become an entrepreneur which as a matter of fact what makes a billionaire. 

Now that I've grown up and facing few problems in study which I lost interest to continue I suddenly been asking myself, is this what I really want? Am I happy doing this? My answer is no. I'm not happy and I keep on thinking about something else. I told myself to start searching what my passion is and make it into career. And somehow the passion I'm looking for is actually business. I started a business without actually have the intention to make profit. I just make it for fun. It was fun. But at that time I'm still in my dreamland to become engineer. And then suddenly one day I was very distress with my life because I can't focus on what I learn in college. I even planned to dropout which was terrible idea! But somehow, I survived. I know I'll become irresponsible if I choose to dropout at such time. 

So what I do? I attend lectures, doing assignment as usual but I'm not wasting any more time, instead of thinking what to become after graduate, I start taking action to generate money. After all, the outcome will still be the same, if I become engineer it will be because of money and if I sell thing it will also because of money. So I started my own business, the first step is actually hard and following is all about determination and enthusiasm. Alhamdulillah, even though I just started my online business for 5 days I already get RM38 which I won't get if I didn't make my first step.

Right now, I'm thinking about other business to make my income double and even more. There are few in my head. But as  said before, making the first step is really hard as I keep on thinking about making profit, if the business will need high modal and what if I don't get back my modal? There are the same questions facing by people who want to start a business. It is actually the feeling of afraid. As said by Robert Kiyosaki, losers are people who are afraid of losing. I don't want want to be a loser. Thus, I must bravely making my first step to build my business. I'll never know until I start and experience it!

I know money isn't everything, but it does important. With money I can make something which others can't.  

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