
Thursday 6 March 2014

Thief oh Thief !

Have you lost any of your belonging before? How does it feel? Felt like crying? Angry? Or blank? Doesn't know what to do?

I feel the same way too. First I went blank 
'what did just happened?'

Then panicked 
'Oh My God!'

Then comes the anger 
'curse you thief! #$@%!!!'

When no body around comes the tear...sob, sob...It happened few times, so unlucky...

First, I lost my cellphone. I left it unintentionally in a toilet, in less than 1 minute I realize the phone was not in my hand, I try calling my number using my friend's ringed but I can't hear it. The second time I called, engaged! Then, bye bye Samsung... I'm gonna miss you... I was regreted that I didn't set any password...the thief happily going through my private stuff inside the cell and probably selling the phone! Moral of the story, set password in your phone.

The second time was my helmet. Yeah, I admit it was totally my own fault. I leave it on my bike just like that. So the thief easily swept it away from the bike I guess... It still cost me some money to buy a new one. Moral of the story, don't just simply put things without securely locked it first.

The worst ever happened was not too long ago in airport. I lost my backpack whic contain my laptop, cellphone, powerbank, harddisk and some important things. Its a 'jackpot' for the thief I guess! The feeling was just like I described just now. Imagine, I was tired just landed from 2 1/2 hrs flight, and suddenly my backpack lost! It was a new semester of lecture and I don't have laptop to do my assignment, my lab book lost I lost record of my previous experiment now I have to do it again!
As a student, I really stressed out thinking about money to buy replacement for what I lost. 

So, reminder to all people: Don't place your belonging like placing it in your own home. Always take a good care of them. You may think this is not really important but one your things stolen, you may feel like shit!

Be extra careful, always...

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