
Wednesday 26 March 2014

So true~~

I'm sharing this from a friend of mine, it is in Malay language and a bit poetry

"kawan.. kau kalau tak suka disakit, tak suka disinis, tak suka disombong,kau hiduplah bawah tempurung. 
hidup ini, kita memang akan diterjumpakan dengan pelbagai jenis orang. ada masa kita disakit orang, ada masa kita disinis orang, ada masa kita disombong orang, ada masa kita dibenci orang, kurang digemar orang, kurang disuka orang. 
tak semua orang baik dibaik orang, tak semua orang jahat dijahat orang. begitu juga sebaliknya. kita biar baik walau dijahat, kita biar makin baik bila dibaik. sebab, hidup kita bukan atas suka manusia. tapi kita hidup atas suka yang mencipta manusia. biar seluruh manusia membenci kita, asal bukan kita dibenci Dia.
definisi hidup banyak. lain orang lain definisinya.kau kalau definisi hidup mahu dunia, kau akan berusaha hidup seperti orang dunia. kau kalau definisi hidup mahu syurga, kau akan hidup berusaha seperti orang syurga.
maka, memilih lahh.. hidupi hidupmu"

it says;if you don't like to be hurt or you hate people to be sarcastic or cocky towards you, then go live alone.because, in this life, we sure to meet variety of people. there are times we are being hurt and people make fun of us, and there are times we are hated by others.not all people are kind neither bad. but we should always be kind even to the bad. because we lived for the Creator. let all people hate us but not the choose your own definition of life. those who live solely for this world, they will try hard to satisfy other soul. but those who live for a better place (the hereafter, jannah) will try their best for, the choice is in your hand.


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