
Thursday 8 May 2014

Paragliding di Ranau

Paragliding is an extreme sport and quite expensive yet fun and exciting. Earlier this February (nampak sangat baru mau update ini cerita), I went to paraglide with a friend of mine. She came all the way to Sabah to visit me!!! (LOL, actually she's on vacation). So I brought her to few places around Ranau. In our tentative, paragliding is the most excited activity!

Walaupun gua tinggal di Ranau, tapi inilah kali pertama gua try paragliding. Memang siok berbaloi-baloi gua bayar memahal untuk try ini sukan! Gua happy gila dapat terbang membelah awan merentasi kehijauan Ranau dan bumi Sabah. Siapa yang datang Ranau tu jangan lupa try ya... Kita layan gambar, kasi jeles sama kamuorang ... mbhaahaha

set up glider luu

nervous nervous... heee

"run! run!" said mejar haznain. gua rasa x sempat gua lari, kaki gua sudah x cecah tanah...OMG i'm flying without wings!!

tau2 gua sdh dibawa angin, makan angin~~ weee~~sioknya tahap dewa!!

tu diaaa ~~~

gua sarankan bawak la monopod atau apa2 yg blh ikat kamera dkt tgn, rugi gua pg x bawa tali, monopod gua teda. so gmbr pun x banyak. tapi gambar dalam memori semulajadi gua memang akan kekal insyaallah...

Untuk org2 macam kita ni yang tiada basic paragliding dan dan peralatan glider segala, try tandem flight ja la. Ada tandem master/pilot yg akan bawa terbang. Untuk bayaran pulak depends on how long you plan to fly. Kalau di Lohan Paragliding Park, Ranau fee dia:
  1. RM 100 (2-5 minit flying)
  2. RM150 (5-10 minit flying)
maahaaallll gila. tapi puas hati la, kalau kena cuaca lagi santik blh lama2 la jugak dekat atas tu... naa, kalau sudah jatuh cinta sama paragliding ni boleh ambil kelas trus, utk org Ranau macam gua boleh dpt package murah RM1000 kalau gua x silap la... tapi gua belum ada kemampuan untuk ambil kelas, tunggu kerja la dulu ada duit... akan gua belajar jugak nanti...

untuk ke Lohan Paragliding Park senang sajaa. kalau dari KK, ikut jalan KK-SDKN, ada 1 simpang di sebelah kiri iaitu simpang masuk ke Kompleks Sukan Ranau lebih kurang 500 m sebelum sampai simpang masuk ke Poring Hot Spring, masuk situ la. Jalan dia naik bukit. gua bagi amaran siap2, jalan dia agak steep ya tapi berturap so jangan risau. Selain di Lohan Ranau, site untuk paragliding lain ada di Tamparuli, Kokol dan South Peak of Kinabalu. Paling siokk la tu dari South Peak dan gua rasa fee nya pun memang siokk jugak... Jelesnya gua sama itu paraglider T_T. (tiapa, satu hari nnt gua jugak akan jadi seperti kalian... haha)

kalau berminat untuk try paragliding boleh contact Borneo Paragliders atau di FB Mejar Haznain, click SINI. akhir kata, selamat mencuba.

p/s: klu mau try hilangkan acrophobia, memang disarankanlah try sukan ni, hilang terus fobia...haha

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Gravity Hill di Sabah

kamu tahu ka di Sabah sebenarnya ada Gravity hill? aku pun baru tahu di Sabah ada Gravity hill dari pembacaan di satu blog (SINI). inilah kebaikannya berblogwalking ni, at least ada jugak ilmu aku dapat.

Jalan Kimanis-Keningau, Sabah

jom kita story sikit apa tu gravity hill. kalau ikut pembacaan aku di wikipedia, gravity hill ni adalah satu tempat di mana susun atur tanahnya menghasilkan optical illusion. disebabkan optical illusion itu tanah yang turun ke bawah (downhill) akan kelihatan seperti manaiki bukit (uphill). contoh, kawasan yg ada gravity hill ni kita akan nampak seperti downhill tapi sebenarnya ia adalah uphill or vise versa. kalau kamu sampai di kawasan gravity hill ni, try matikan enjin kereta dan lepas hand-break , kereta akan bergerak sendiri menaiki bukit. selalunya kereta kalau mati enjin di kawasan bukit akan meluncur ke bawah la kan tapi ni peliknya akan naik ke atas pulak. keadaan itu lah yang disebabkan oleh optical illusion di kawasan gravity hill... aku explain bukan main susah mau paham kan so, kita tengok video di SINI.

Goblin Road, Jeju-do, Korea
di Malaysia, tempat yg ada gravity hill setakat yang aku tahu ada di Sabah, di Kimanis-Keningau Highway. menurut blogger memmetlenggeng kawasan ni terletak di KM 28.2. aku pun sebenarnya belum sampai lagi kawasan ni. nanti kalau sampai kawasan ni bolehlah aku cerita dengan lebih lanjut dan letak gambar sekali. kalau di Korea pulak, gravity hill ni ada di Pulau Jeju (Goblin Road). Di Sabah, our gravity hill masih belum lagi dipromosikan secara komersil. Aku harap pihak Kerajaan Sabah akan jadikan tempat tu spot pelancongan. besarkan sikit jalan dan sediakan kawasan untuk visitor singgah pastu demo matikan enjin atau letak botol air di tengah-tengah jalan (kereta lain yg lalu pun tengok macam pelik kan, buang tebiat ka apa) ha ha ha. Tidak payah pergi jauh-jauh ke oversea utk merasa pengalaman gravity hill ni, datang ja Sabah di Kimanis-Keningau Highway.  

X sabar mau cuti semester, mau pergi tempat ni nanti...yg paling penting mau jugak buat video!! motip?? 

Sunday 4 May 2014

Pengalaman di Semenanjung Malaysia

Selalu aku baca blog orang Semenanjung cerita pengalaman di Sabah. Jadi, kali ini aku pula mahu cerita pengalaman aku di Semenanjung Malaysia atau dulu dikenali sabagai Malaya.

Aku datang ke Semenanjung atau spesifiknya di Bangi, Selangor sebagai seorang musafir untuk menuntut ilmu di universiti (UKM). Kenapa tidak belajar di UMS sahaja, kan lagi dekat. Betul, UMS lagi dekat tapi aku mahu jugak merasa hidup di negeri orang lain. Lagi pulak, UKM boleh memuatkan hampir semua pelajar dalam kolej. jadi senanglah, tidak payah cari rumah sewa ^_^ ...

Pertama kali datang Semenanjung masa tingkatan empat. Waktu itu ikut rombongan sekolah sbg wakil program kepimpinan di Kedah. Tidak sempat jalan-jalan. Second time datang masa masuk univ. Nasib baik ada kakak yang belajar dekat Sg. Buloh, ada jugak kawan temankan masa mendaftar, parents tidak ikut hantar waktu tu, tiket mahal.

Antara perbezaan yang aku nampaklah selama hampir 4 tahun di semenanjung;

1. Loghat. perbezaan loghat/dialect tu benda biasa. Negara lain pun ada jugak perbezaan macam ni, cth; English UK tidak sama dialeknya dengan English US, dialect Korean dari Seoul tidak sama dengan dialect Korean dari Busan. Perbezaan itu adalah sesuatu yang unik. Barulah nampak Malaysia ni banyak budaya. Aku sejujurnya lebih suka bercakap pakai dialect aku sendiri, barulah senang menyampaikan apa yang kita mahu cakap. Begitu juga kalau jumpa orang Terengganu, Kelantan, Kedah etc, aku suka kalau diorang ni cakap pakai dialect dorang sendiri. Walaupun kadang-kadang tidak faham sebab ada perkataan bukan Bahasa baku, tapi boleh  ditanya maksudnya sambil2 tu boleh belajar dialect dorang sekali.

2. Dari segi kemajuan, Selangor lagi majulah tidak dinafikan. Almaklumlah dekat dengan KL dan Putrajaya, harus la maju lagipun perindustrian banyak di sana. Kalau negeri lain macam Terengganu, Pahang, Perak, N9 aku rasa sama ja lebih kurang dengan KK. Lagi satu di Semenanjung ni ada kemudahan RnR, jadi kalau jalan jauh naik bus atau kereta senang berhenti utk solat atau qada hajat... di Sabah sygnya xda RnR tapi aku paham jugak la, kalau area kundasang Ranau mcm mustahil untuk buat RnR sbb bentuk muka buminya bergunung-ganang, jalan lagi macam ular, susah la mahu tarah gunung lagi. Kalau area Tawau-LD-Sdkn tu sesuai la buat tapi entah kenapa kerajaan tidak buat.

3. Makanan. Seriously, dorang ada pelbagai makanan yang sedap dan beraneka jenis plus murah. Pertama kali pergi pasar malam dengan roommate masa first year dulu, ngam lagi time tu bulan puasa. Memang rambang matalah tengok makanan banyak sedap2 harga pun berbaloi... Makanan di Sabah banyak jugak tapi tidak se'variety' di semenanjung dan harga pun mahal lagi. Tapi makanan laut dia macam mahal. Kalau di sabah mknn laut murah terutama di Tawau, Sandakan dan KK sebab dekat dengan laut. Kalau di Ranau jangan tanyalah kan...

4. Satu lagi yang bagusnya di Smnjg, Selangor khususnya ialah majlis ilmu. banyak majlis ilmu kalau dibandingkan dengan di sabah. Sabah pun kini mula belajar untuk memperbanyakkan majlis ilmu. Benda yang bagus kita contohi.

5. Public Transport. Mungkin disebabkan faktor ramainya manusia di area selangor, student, foreigner dan local, kemudahan public transport memang banyak. KTM, LRT, Monorel, bus pun banyak. Senang la kalau mahu pergi mana2 kan, harga tiket pun berbaloi.  

Setiap benda ada pro dan contra nya. Udara di semenanjung mungkin tidak sama seperti di sabah. mungkinlah udara dia tidak sesuai dengan aku, sebab aku ni suka yang hijau2, yang tidak bising dan nyaman. bukan semua lah semenanjung udara kurang segar, setakat yang aku pernah jejaklah, pembangunan menyebabkan udara tidak bersih dan selalu ja jerebu. Kalau diseimbangkan pembangunan dan kehijauan aku rasa itu lah yang terbaik.

Alhamdulillah sebab aku dapat belajar di UKM, dapat tengok macam mana berbezanya dua tanah Malaysia, Semenjung dan North Borneo. Ada benda yang baik kita contohi. Lepas tamat belajar, aku rancang balik Sabah berbakti pada bumi tempat aku lahirlahkan. InsyaAllah panjang umur ada rezeki datang semenanjung jalan2 dengan family pula. Kalau orang lain selalunya masa belajarlah jalan2 kan, tapi aku ni tiada lah duit sangat mahu pergi jalan2. kalau ada duit pun tu duit parents aku, kalau mahu pakai jalan2 pun pakai duit sendiri lah baru best.

P/S: Ini adalah pengalaman peribadi dari sudut pandangan penulis sahaja.

Wednesday 26 March 2014

So true~~

I'm sharing this from a friend of mine, it is in Malay language and a bit poetry

"kawan.. kau kalau tak suka disakit, tak suka disinis, tak suka disombong,kau hiduplah bawah tempurung. 
hidup ini, kita memang akan diterjumpakan dengan pelbagai jenis orang. ada masa kita disakit orang, ada masa kita disinis orang, ada masa kita disombong orang, ada masa kita dibenci orang, kurang digemar orang, kurang disuka orang. 
tak semua orang baik dibaik orang, tak semua orang jahat dijahat orang. begitu juga sebaliknya. kita biar baik walau dijahat, kita biar makin baik bila dibaik. sebab, hidup kita bukan atas suka manusia. tapi kita hidup atas suka yang mencipta manusia. biar seluruh manusia membenci kita, asal bukan kita dibenci Dia.
definisi hidup banyak. lain orang lain definisinya.kau kalau definisi hidup mahu dunia, kau akan berusaha hidup seperti orang dunia. kau kalau definisi hidup mahu syurga, kau akan hidup berusaha seperti orang syurga.
maka, memilih lahh.. hidupi hidupmu"

it says;if you don't like to be hurt or you hate people to be sarcastic or cocky towards you, then go live alone.because, in this life, we sure to meet variety of people. there are times we are being hurt and people make fun of us, and there are times we are hated by others.not all people are kind neither bad. but we should always be kind even to the bad. because we lived for the Creator. let all people hate us but not the choose your own definition of life. those who live solely for this world, they will try hard to satisfy other soul. but those who live for a better place (the hereafter, jannah) will try their best for, the choice is in your hand.


Tuesday 25 March 2014


the feel
burning. . .
deep down inside
killing. . .
every sense of humanity
showing no mercy
stupidity. . .
blinding the truth
destroying heart

in this land of anger
i lost my insanity
i lost my serenity
i'm losing the grip
from the path i should be
because all i care
is to relieve it
but i lost
my precious instead

i shouldn't 
should never
be the slave
of my own

(jell m.) 

Wednesday 12 March 2014


For so many years, I been setting up my mind that the only way to become rich is to study hard and obtain a respectable with high paid salary job. And my option was always to be a doctor or engineer. Never in my mind to set my goal to become an entrepreneur which as a matter of fact what makes a billionaire. 

Now that I've grown up and facing few problems in study which I lost interest to continue I suddenly been asking myself, is this what I really want? Am I happy doing this? My answer is no. I'm not happy and I keep on thinking about something else. I told myself to start searching what my passion is and make it into career. And somehow the passion I'm looking for is actually business. I started a business without actually have the intention to make profit. I just make it for fun. It was fun. But at that time I'm still in my dreamland to become engineer. And then suddenly one day I was very distress with my life because I can't focus on what I learn in college. I even planned to dropout which was terrible idea! But somehow, I survived. I know I'll become irresponsible if I choose to dropout at such time. 

So what I do? I attend lectures, doing assignment as usual but I'm not wasting any more time, instead of thinking what to become after graduate, I start taking action to generate money. After all, the outcome will still be the same, if I become engineer it will be because of money and if I sell thing it will also because of money. So I started my own business, the first step is actually hard and following is all about determination and enthusiasm. Alhamdulillah, even though I just started my online business for 5 days I already get RM38 which I won't get if I didn't make my first step.

Right now, I'm thinking about other business to make my income double and even more. There are few in my head. But as  said before, making the first step is really hard as I keep on thinking about making profit, if the business will need high modal and what if I don't get back my modal? There are the same questions facing by people who want to start a business. It is actually the feeling of afraid. As said by Robert Kiyosaki, losers are people who are afraid of losing. I don't want want to be a loser. Thus, I must bravely making my first step to build my business. I'll never know until I start and experience it!

I know money isn't everything, but it does important. With money I can make something which others can't.  

Monday 10 March 2014

Business Chul-bal!


Finally, my online shop is open! I took so long to make the first move of contacting supplier for my item. Now, I already have one costumer. It makes me really happy that someone is buying from me. 

My shop FB cover at Street Collection

I'm still in college but starting my own business is something I really want to do since long ago. It does required a lot of time to start a business for the first time. Research, setting up page, it all require most of my time. But I don't really mine because I'm happy doing it. The first time I launched my online shop, I didn't sleep. I only sleep after Subuh, 6 am, and wake up at 9 am to buy stock for another business (I'm currently running 2 businesses). 

At first, I am so obsessed with this online business, I sat on my chair in front of my laptop looking after my page. I waited for someone to like, comment and order items from me. And I realized that it took my time. Like I said, i don't mind but I realized that I still have other things to do as a student, final year student. Thesis, design project, case study. OMG. I have so many assignments to do. But I don't want to leave my business without monitor it. How?

Do time table! Yes, its a basic thing in life but also one of the most difficult thing to do. I have to learn to divide my time wisely between study and business. Even though I doesn't have intention anymore to further my career in engineering (which currently my major), but it is my responsibility to at least doing all the assignments and attending lectures. 

I hope with this first step in business I can learn to create some big and more in the future. I have lot more to learn and its never too late. I'm throwing off my bowlines ready to sail out of my comfort zone. You guys can do it too. Find your passion and turn it into something useful. Cheers! 

Thursday 6 March 2014

Thief oh Thief !

Have you lost any of your belonging before? How does it feel? Felt like crying? Angry? Or blank? Doesn't know what to do?

I feel the same way too. First I went blank 
'what did just happened?'

Then panicked 
'Oh My God!'

Then comes the anger 
'curse you thief! #$@%!!!'

When no body around comes the tear...sob, sob...It happened few times, so unlucky...

First, I lost my cellphone. I left it unintentionally in a toilet, in less than 1 minute I realize the phone was not in my hand, I try calling my number using my friend's ringed but I can't hear it. The second time I called, engaged! Then, bye bye Samsung... I'm gonna miss you... I was regreted that I didn't set any password...the thief happily going through my private stuff inside the cell and probably selling the phone! Moral of the story, set password in your phone.

The second time was my helmet. Yeah, I admit it was totally my own fault. I leave it on my bike just like that. So the thief easily swept it away from the bike I guess... It still cost me some money to buy a new one. Moral of the story, don't just simply put things without securely locked it first.

The worst ever happened was not too long ago in airport. I lost my backpack whic contain my laptop, cellphone, powerbank, harddisk and some important things. Its a 'jackpot' for the thief I guess! The feeling was just like I described just now. Imagine, I was tired just landed from 2 1/2 hrs flight, and suddenly my backpack lost! It was a new semester of lecture and I don't have laptop to do my assignment, my lab book lost I lost record of my previous experiment now I have to do it again!
As a student, I really stressed out thinking about money to buy replacement for what I lost. 

So, reminder to all people: Don't place your belonging like placing it in your own home. Always take a good care of them. You may think this is not really important but one your things stolen, you may feel like shit!

Be extra careful, always...

Climbing Mt. Kinabalu for Sabahan

Hello there Sabahan!!!

Have you conquered the majestic Mt. Kinabalu? If yes, share with me your experiences. For those who want to climb but doesn't know what to do first or what to bring, feel free to scroll down this page as I would like to share few great information with you! 

Great news for Sabahan is you can enjoy much cheaper climbing fee compare to Peninsular people and of course foreigner... So, plan your climbing now! Below are the Sabahan Rate (2 Days 1 Night):

Conservation Fee               : RM3 (18 years and above), RM1 (Below 18 years)

Climbing Permit                 : RM 30 (18 years & above), RM 12 (below 18 years)

Insurance                           : RM7 per person

Certificate (per person)      : RM 10 1st Class (with color, only for those reach the summit), 
                                           RM 1 2nd class (black and white) *optional

Accomodation + Food     : RM 80 (Meals x 5) (Pack Lunch @ Balsam, Dinner @ LR, Supper @ LR,                                                  Breakfast @LR, Lunch @ Kinabalu Park)

Guide Fee                        :

Timpohon-Summit-Timpohon : RM128 (1-3 pax), RM150 (4-6 pax)
Timpohon-Summit-Mesilau/ Mesilau-Summit-Timpohon : RM143 (1-3 pax), RM173 (4-6 pax)
Mesilau-Summit-Mesilau : RM150 (1-3 pax), RM180 (4-6 pax)                                             

Preparation before climbing
1) If you are climbing with friends, decide the number of people that going to join the climbing but must not exceed 20 climbers. This is because Sabah Park had limit the number of Sabahan climber to only 20 per day. If you are climbing alone than there would be no problem.

2) Decide the date. I suggest you to book the climbing date at least 3 months before, because there are lots of people want to climb the mountain and accommodation is limited at Laban Rata and Gunting Lagadan.

3) Go to Sutera Sanctuary Lodges at Wisma Sabah Kota Kinabalu (Lot G15, Ground floor) for reservation and payment of accommodation. Then go to Sabah Park HQ at Kota Kinabalu to pay the permit and insurance. Payment for conservation fee, certificate and guide can be made before climbing at Kinabalu Park Kundasang. Decide whether to climb via Timpohon or Mesilau among your group so you can easily pay guide fee later.

4) Training. But if you are fit enough then there won't be problem as the trail is quite easy. Climbing Mt. Kinabalu is not easy but not hard too. The easy part is from the starting point to Laban Rata and the challenging part is from Laban Rata to Summit. Another thing that making the climbing hard is RAIN. The coldness is so evil!

5) Book place to stay overnight before the climb because climbing will start early in the morning. So, siapa yang tinggal jauh dari Kawasan Kundasang/Ranau, better find a place to stay a night. I suggest homestay/chalet around Kundasang town, there are lots of them, accommodation at Kinabalu Park is expensive.

What to bring??

Here are the list of things you should bring:

  • Rain coat (in case of rainy season, buy a good quality rain coat, last time I went I brought 3 ponchos and all got ripped out before I reached Laban Rata. I ended up soaking in wet)
  • Head Lamp. You going to use this during the second day of climbing at 2 or 3 am.
  • Medicine. Paracetamol, muscle pain reliever (balm) etc.
  • Glove. waterproof.
  • Walking Stick. This is optional, you still can climb happily w/o it but its going to be useful for beginner climber.
  • Extra pair of sock
  • Plastic bag
  • Extra Money

I guess that is all for now. It is very important that you plan your trip to save budget even di negeri sendiri. And the most important thing is...enjoy the climb!

Saturday 1 March 2014

Kemalasan Melanda

Tatkala ku dibelenggu panas
Muncul jerebu mengaburi penglihatan

Tatkala ku dibelenggu tugasan
Muncul kemalasan menggoda iman

Di saat-saat terakhir pengorbanan
Hampir aku tertewas
Dek kesabaran yang semakin tipis

Ohh...panasnya alam
Malasnya dengan tugasan
Sabar separuh iman


Saturday 22 February 2014

Places to visit in Ranau Sabah

Sabah is one of the place with highly abundant species of flora and fauna in the world, and the forest is much more older than the Amazon. For nature lover,visiting Ranau is a wise decision because they can enjoying nature and at the same time they can spend time with few activities. Ranau is one the district that offer many great views of Borneo. It is situated in highland of Sabah. It's easy to get to Ranau, only 2 hours drive from Kota Kinabalu (KK) by bus or other public transport. 

Here are some places to visit or do in Ranau:

1) Kinabalu Park, Kundasang
- Starting point for climbing Mt. Kinabalu via Timpohon trail
- Conservation Fee for Malaysian is RM3
- There are also few chalets provided
- Other than mountain climbing, visitor can also enjoying the nature by jungle trekking

2) Kundasang Town
- A small town where you can found many accommodation; homestay, chalet, hotel etc
- The popular vegetable stall where you can buy vegetables, flower etc at reasonable price

3) Kundasang War Memorial
- A historical building facing Mt. kinabalu
- Excellent place to take pictures
- Entry Fee: RM1 (Malaysian)

4) Desa Cattle Farm, Kundasang
- Famously known as 'Malaysia's New Zealand' because of the hilly surrounding and majestic Mt. Kinabalu as background.
- As far as I know, this is the largest Cattle farm in Sabah.
- The cattle is different from the common cattle breed in other places in Malaysia. 
- Learn how milk processing in the facility and see the milk extraction process (3-5 pm daily)
- Entry fee :RM5, Student RM3 (Malaysian)

5) Mesilou Nature Resort
- You have to bring 4WD or high cc car to get to this place because it is quite stiff...last time I went with some friend by Exora, all passenger have to get out from the car only then can the car going up the sloppy road.
- Another starting point for Kinabalu climbing.
- They provide chalet to stay overnight but for me its quite pricey... 
- Conservation Fee: RM3 (malaysian)

6) Paragliding
- if you like extreme sport then you must try this
- Take off site is at Ranau Sport Centre (just before the junction road to Poring from KK-SDKN highway)
- Contact Captain Haznain (BorneoParagliders) to make a reservation before flying

7) Poring Hot Spring, Ranau
- other than hot spring, there are also Canopy Walk, waterfall, butterfly farm and orchid farm.
- chalet also provided
- conservation fee: RM3 (malaysian)

8) Sabah Tea    
- activities to do in sabah tea including; picnic, hiking, factory tour and team-building 
-they provide accommodation for those who want to enjoy and relaxing in nature like longhouses or chalet
-if you are looking for a wedding ceremony place, then you can considere sabah tea, the view is fantastic!
- no entry fee required

9) Kg. Luanti Fish Massage
- it is a great experience with the fish massaging your feet. 
- Entry fee is RM5 and photography is also charged for RM3

10) Pekan Nabalu
- before end up you vacation, grab something as souvenir for friend and family in pekan nabalu.
- you can choose variety of product ; keychain, t-shirt, bangle etc

There are some other places to visit but for now I guess these are the only places I can share which I have knowledge of...

PS: One conservation fee for Sabah Parks can be used in all Sabah Parks. Eg. If you already paid conservation fee at kinabalu park, don't throw away the ticket keep it as it can be used at poring and mesilaou too...but only valid for the same day ^_^.

Friday 21 February 2014



Here I go, started all over again.